Illinois Governor Pritzker announced that individuals and businesses affected by severe weather that moved across the Chicagoland area between June 29 and July 4 may request waivers of penalties and interest on state taxes if they cannot make payments or file their taxes on time and live within impacted counties.
Multiple rounds of severe storms impacted several areas bringing torrential rain, large hail, and damaging winds spurring several tornadoes. The Disaster Proclamation covers Illinois counties: Coles, Cook, Edgar, Hancock, McDonough, Morgan, Sangamon, and Washington.
Taxpayers who would like to file for a waiver need to contact the Illinois Department of Revenue, including:
- Full Name
- Account Number or last four digits of Social Security Number
- Mailing Address
- A brief explanation of why they cannot file or pay on time
- Estimate when they can file or pay their taxes
Requests can be emailed to or mailed to the address noted on their return. All mailed requests should have “Severe Storms – Summer 2023” written in red on the top of their return and written request.
For more information, see the IDOR website.